CSR Reduction Plan

CSR Performance ladder level 3

Estillon wants to set an example of Corporate Social Responsibility. In collaboration with Estillon stakeholders, the intention is to take the interests of People, Planet and Profit into account in a balanced way. In March 2019, Estillon obtained the level 3 CSR performance ladder certificate for this.


Major steps have been taken in the last years to reduce electricity consumption. Other actions are being implemented, such as electric cars and further reduction by avoiding unnecessary consumption. Our target is 5% savings per year.

Action plan

What are Estillon’s goals? In order to meet the reduction objective, we will have to take various measures.

Gas consumption

  • This measure involves reducing gas consumption

  • The reduction of heating costs, particularly in production

Electricity consumption measure

  • This measure involves reducing the use of electricity

  • Generating the electrical power required (solar panels on our own roof – installation in February 2019)

  • Goal: the use of alternative fuels and/or “green” electricity

Electricity consumption measure

  • This measure involves reducing the use of electricity.

  • Transition to green electricity after installing our own solar panels

Emissions summary


Co2 performance scale, level 3

What does level 3 mean exactly? The company or the organisation has achieved the objectives for sustainable entrepreneurship that are feasible for the sector. Stakeholders are involved here who have a direct interest in the product or service or in preventing a negative effect from the performance of activities by the company or organisation.
(more info at SKAO)


All plastic packaging, paper and residual wood from the production are separated and recycled. Part of the product range is fabricated from recycled materials. For example, the Best Base underlays are made from a mix of 100% recycled, clean, high-value polyurethane foam and the Finity felt carpet is made of 100% recycled PET bottles.


Platform Sustainable Uden

The “Sustainable Uden” platform By means of information transfer and by putting the search for collective sustainability in Uden on the agenda, reducing CO2 emissions in particular and making energy flows more sustainable.

Solar panels

The company building is fitted with 496 solar panels that generate 152,251 kWh annually. With this, Estillon will produce CO2 neutrally starting from March 2019.


Estillon works together with the transport company Van den Heuvel Logistiek. This is a local partner, selected in order to handle the total number of transport kilometres as sensibly as possible. Estillon also expects its partners/suppliers to share thoughts about corporate social responsibility.

Zonnepanelen opbrengst tm april 2022